A Needed Holiday

Hey family!

I know, the dead has risen. Lol! You sound like my mother. But everyone needs some time to deal with life right? Even me. 

Well, we are about a year into "that life". You know the life i'm talking about. The one where you "can't go" to work, if your lucky enough to still have one to go to. You "can't go" to church. Your kids or even you "can't go" to school. You "can't go" to visit your friends or family because you don't want to inadvertently transmit anything to them or even pick up something yourself. God forbid, you inadvertently pick something up and bring it home to your own family... Crisis.

This is the year of "You Can't". Pandemic2020 = You Can't = If you weren't parented before you have been now. Because "You Can't". "Why?" says your inner 3 year old self. Because the Governor said so. Because the CDC said so. Because someone somewhere is trying to keep you safe, maybe even alive. Yes you are being parented. Someone else is keeping you safe... by telling you No. But as an obedient child, you concede, obey & you just "don't".  And for those of you who have too much pride to concede and accept the "no", just know that someone else connected to you has conceded and wants to be safe. Don't pressure them or speak badly of them for wanting to be safe and following the guidelines they have been given.

This time has probably/highly likely been the easiest transition for introverts. But we social butterflies, extroverts, people who find life in loving Gods people, saved and unsaved alike, we've been suffering silently. A facetime or video call can take you but so far. Because you do need to lay eyes on your family and make sure that they are well and stay in touch. Social media can be your friend, but if you are not disciplined about it, it can poison your thoughts. For all the tools we have available at our fingertips, and for all the family time we may have wanted and now have enjoyed. There is a part that still hurts the social butterfly, so pray for them, AND ME! 

Whoever you are, this time has affected you in some way. So many people are down right now. Fighting depression, anxiety, loneliness, boredom, etc. However you are feeling it, it's either amplified or deepened by the fact that Thanksgiving is 3 days away. And my favorite holiday right after. 💓

So, i don't know how you all lift yourselves, but in a year where NOTHING has been normal or traditional or any other analogy you can think, but one thing that has worked for me is looking to the future. Thanksgiving is days away and I'm thankful for so much. Yes, I miss so many things and people, but I'm so grateful for what I have. I'm grateful that my family is safe and no one has contracted even allergies. I'm grateful that even though I've suffered some losses, we've managed to handle it with grace. Focus on those things that you are thankful for. Don't miss the opportunities when you are feeling low, to look to God and say "God, i may have lost in this area, but You have kept me in this other area and i'm grateful for it."  Those opportunities keep you optimistic and hopeful and positive about things. 

Another thing that has helped me is looking even further into the future. My favorite holiday. Christmas. Yes, you may not be able to spend holidays around the tree with your extended family. Your table will have less people around them. People you hoped to be able to see by now, you are realizing that you still can't see or fellowship with.  

All these things bring a damper on Christmas. But you've got to look at things a little differently. Shift your focus. Your family is still safe, even if they are 5, 10, 100, or even 700 miles away. You are still able to see them on a screen of some sort. You can still hear their voice and have a conversation. Remember there are others that we've lost and will not be at the table when we are able to reunite families. 

My thoughts go to my very good friend at work. She recently suffered a loss that has devastated her. She is managing well, but these holidays will be difficult for her.  If you know anyone who has suffered a loss 2020, be sure to reach out to them. Don't let it be just your 4 and no more just because we are living "that life". Reach out to that loved one or friend who needs that hug that they can't get. Be that encouraging person. Be someone's solution. Even if it's just for a moment.

I've already put up my Christmas decorations. They give me hope. They remind me of Jesus who was born this day. They remind me that great things are yet to come. They remind me that not all is lost. They remind me that though we suffer, yet He is still with us. All is not lost. As I held back tears yesterday watching as my babygirl was carefully placing ornaments on the tree, i was reminded of when I was her age putting the ornaments on my mothers tree.  I realized that in the middle of a pandemic, with people constantly telling me that "I can't", miracles were still happening. Traditions were being passed down in a year where traditions went out the window. Growth was still happening all around me. If I stayed sad about my losses, I would miss moments like these. And I refuse to miss them, for anything or anyone. 

For these things, I Am Grateful.

As usual, enjoy the provided song and know that I love you!


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