Personal Journey: Tradition

Hey Family!

So I know, I've not been posting so much lately. But I've been in a period of self-evaluation. A period of discovery. A period of revelation. And as some of you know, it's difficult, sometimes impossible to hear from God well when you have so much on your mind and on your heart. And to be honest, I had a whole LOT on my mind and on my heart in the last quarter. I had some serious heart searching that I had to do. I had a lot of sorting out that needed to take place between my heart, my mind, my emotions and "common sense". Those are 4 things that can really mess your faith up.

So much happens in our lives that require decisions that need to be made that we need a lot of common sense for. And with common sense decisions our mind does what it's done for years. It searches for justification of our common sense decisions. The thing that I forgot, while my mind was being bombarded by more and more emotions and disorder is that Faith doesn't make sense. So the more and more unreasonable something kept seeming, the farther and farther away I was from making decisions in Faith.

It took some time to sort things out, but the order has been restored in my heart again. And who knew, that it would be while the house was quiet and I was doing something as simple as washing dishes. That while doing something that simple, God would speak to me and give me the order that I needed. And as soon as those dishes were done, I could do nothing but move as He instructed me to do. Yes it confused my husband, because the thing I did by tradition was no more. I was a person who always kept my Christmas ornaments and tree up until January 6th. But this year, the day that God spoke to me and gave me the instruction, the tradition was over. My husband walked in the living room and saw I was taking the tree down and says "Todays not the 6th" I said I know. He said "Do you ever do things the way you say you are going to do?" and my response "Only until God says different".


Be blessed, I love you all.


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