
Showing posts from January, 2018

Trying To Be Me... 2018

Hi family, I came across a great man, Willie Moore Jr's message for 2018. Besides the fact that I felt like he peeked a lil in my life, the advice and testimony he gave was just real. And I wanted to share it with you. Here is where you can follow him on all his social media too. @pwillie1 and @wmjshow twitter @williemoorejrlive facebook Remember family, 2018 is about you. The real you. I'm trying to be my 100% authentic me. Not that I don't care what people think of me, but my actions will not be held back because of what someone may think. My goals cannot be softened because someone may think I look crazy. And what I know that God says TO me won't be doubted because someone says "Are you sure God told you that?". If we can all get there (without the "extra" attitudes) we can all be so much better individually. Yesterday I challenged you all. Today I challenge US. I know God wants to bless the REAL me. Not the me...

Whew!!! Feels So Goooood!!!

Hey Family, I was just having a conversation with someone about life.... I mentioned that not everything that feels good, is good for you. The thing is that it's so hard for worldly people to understand that concept. You see, today's world has become so accepting of.... well, literally, EVERYTHING. And it's easy to roll with what the world accepts because if you do, then you are always with the "Majority" of people... You see, there is a large group of people that feel that eating fast food everyday, as one meal is the greatest. I mean, there was a time that I was in that group. I had to have my sausage, egg & cheese croissant and coffee from a certain place every day. Well, it was goooooood!!!!! But there was a very large group that was in agreement with me. There is a large group of people that feel good getting home after work and cracking open that beer. Then they could have as many as they wanted for the rest of the night. As long as they could get ...

What If....

Hi Family, I was browsing around the internet while I had some downtime at work. Seeing what’s on the news and on Yahoo, when I came across what I considered as a funny title to a news article. A man had apparently tried to rob a store but his “plan” was foiled he ended up locked inside the store alone. That’s clearly nothing funny, but what the title said was that the man took his gun and he shot at the door. When shooting at the door didn‘t work, he turned to….. prayer.  I read the entire article and it stated that there was a video, so of course, (as I’m giggling) I’m thinking “did he really just stop and pray???” So of course I did what any other curious person would do. I stopped to watch all 7 minutes of the video. I had a range of thoughts and comments going through my mind as I began watching. “Wow! This dude really just waltzed his skinny little tail in there and is about to rob the place!!??”, “Wow, that’s a really brave lady. Just up and said no like that with a gun...

Happy New...!!!

Family!!!! We made it!!!!!!!!! We got thru 2017 didn't we!!!!! Whether it be By Grace or by the skin of our teeth, WE MADE IT!! I spent the bulk of 1/1/2018 in bed. I slept until 11am for the first time in a VERY long time. And even after that, I just didn't have a desire to get up. It wasn't a depressed type of feeling. I just wanted to take the day to relax. Exhale. You see, there were many times in 2017 where I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. It was literally nothing but Faith, Praise and Worship that carried me through many days. And, to be completely transparent, I doubted. Many times. It was a great many days I wondered "what in the world God?? What is this for?? You have GOT to be kidding me?? God i'm sure I can't take anymore.". But you know what? I made it. AND SO DID YOU!!! That really felt like a real example of God not giving me more than I could bear. I truly felt like I was done, but each time I was pushed to the edge, I didn...