
Showing posts from May, 2017

Trust God and Leap!!!!

Morning Family!!!!! I was just thinking about something that keeps coming up at me. Seems like every few weeks I’m either hearing about something that needs to take a leap of FAITH. Or I’m hearing about someone that TOOK a leap of FAITH. Or hearing about someone that is about to take a leap of FAITH. And again just now, I remembered someone who makes Saturday rounds who knocked on my door to talk about Christ and give me a booklet. I’d spoken to her before, but this time she wanted to know how I handle and go about having bible study with my kids. Now, anytime anyone mentions “at-home bible studies” with kids, I always remember this one study day that the kids absolutely loved. It’s one of my favorite stories in the bible. I just can relate to it sooooo well. And this particular story also had an underlying message of someone needing to take a leap of FAITH. Or in this case a “roll” of FAITH. Let’s look at the story really quick.   John 5:5-7 5 After this ther...

Going To Trial

Hey There Family!   I was just talking about something with my boss and it struck me a little. It made me think about some things. I went and took my walk and a scripture popped in my mind as I prayed.   Matthew 7:20 KJV Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.   What fruits do people see from my life? I guess this goes back to my last few posts about Who Am I and Who Am I, Really. If I don’t know who I am, how can I know what kind of fruits SHOULD be falling from me? But the question that was mentioned went deeper than that. It made me think about the immigration issues we are going through. All that are facing deportation are “known” for some reason. They speak another language. They work certain types of jobs. They dress certain ways. In those cases, that’s their “fruit”.  But it's not limited to deportations. It's everything. A harlot is known for sleeping around. An adulterer is known for not sleeping in their own bed/with their ...

Who Are You, Really? Part 2

Hi Again Family, I know yesterday, we explored asking ourselves "Who Am I?" and then "Who Am I, Really". Today I want to talk about what is going on around us. The reason why I feel like it needs to be explored is because this also influences who you are, or allows you to realize who you are NOT. One thing I know very well about myself is that I’m very people oriented. I said a lot on my life that I don’t do crowds. And yes, that’s very true, but I love being with the people I love. Friends, Family, Immediate Family. Now best believe, I’m a believer that when you get married, your priorities change a little. It does not change one bit how much you love any of those people, but it changes the order of how much attention you give each group. But one thing you have to realize is found in scripture. Here is what I have found in the following verse: 1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals." Now lets just be ...

Who Are You, Really?

  Good morning Family!! So I’ve had this question that has been floating around my head. It’s been about a month now that I’ve been asking myself “Who Am I?”. I found it funny because about a week after that question was floating around in my spirit, I found out the Youth were covering that topic for Youth Sunday at my church. Praise God. But I heard everything I already knew. I know who I am In Him. I know that I’m a Precious Child of God. But somehow, even after having all of that reiterated, I still had the question “Who Am I?” floating around in my spirit. I could not shake it at all. I could not understand what in the world the question really was. All the answers just seemed so typical and generic.   Who Am I? Ana, Reggie’s Wife. Ana, the mom of 5 Ana, the worker Ana, the Servant of God   Yea, I get all that. I know who I am as far as that list. But then I had to stop. I wrote it all down on a piece of paper. Then I crumbled...

The Parenting Struggle: It Has Rewards! Part 2

Hey Family! I'm in a pretty joking mood today. The joy of the Lord is pretty evident in me for sure. I just can't stop laughing at this thing called "Life". And especially the parenting part of it. Sami is going to be 4 in September, and she has this thing that she does with a specific commercial that if she misses could be life shattering!!!! Ok, so it's not that serious, but it's important enough for her to go screaming for me, running through the house to get me. It's a Huggies commercial that has been playing on the Disney Channel since she was born (or at least that's when I actually noticed it). For some reason, she is completely connected to it. The song says "We all need a hug in the morning, and one at the end of the day. It's my belief that for instant relief, a hug is the best cure of all." Now, you have to understand. This commercial is 15 seconds long. So from the first words, anyone that hears the comme...