The Thorn You Don't See

Hi family, This month has been quite a month for me at church. Each message delivered from the pulpit aggravated a thorn in my side. But a couple of them exposed a thorn I didn't know existed on me. I was on a walk yesterday on one of my breaks from work and asked God, what's the deal with all this? The things going on in my life this year. My family. My children. My feelings. My faith. How does this tie up? Of course, i can't explain my journey just yet, but God gave me an image that was so beautiful, I thought it was good enough to share. Imagine this beautiful rose in this rose garden. It stands so tall and strong and smells so sweet. All by itself. The rose wonders to itself... If it is so tall and strong and beautiful and smells so sweet, why is no one choosing it? Why is it still not chosen. But the beautiful rose is unaware of the great many thorns it has. It's not safe to choose it with so many thorns. It would pose a threat or potential harm ...